- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BOY'S BUNK (John Luke, Wayne, Henry) JOHN LUKE: Yo, Henry. How can you sleep? Well I woke up this morning and I saw--I shot up seven feet! My voice sounds like one of those horns--Ow-ooga! And bush! bush! everywhere bush! I shaved my chin. I shaved my nose. I was shaving my elbows...when I heard a crash! and by balls came tumbling down. HENRY: Oh no! Anything but that, I'd rather sleep. JOHN LUKE: Boy are you a douche. WAYNE: Completely out to lunch. JOHN LUKE: What's wrong with him anyway?
Could be
Could be
Wayne: -------- © 1981 Sarah Kernochan