Puberty stay away from me
Puberty ain't gonna get me no no
Ain't gonna make that change
Ain't gonna wake up in the morning feeling strange
Puberty stay away from my bed
You better take some other child instead
Gonna turn on my night-lite
Gonna stay up all night
So puberty can't get me
Keep awake stay awake all night
Turn on your night-lites
Stay awake all night....
NIGHT-LITES (Wayne, Natalie Nan, & Company)
Natalie Nan:
Here comes the Glandman
He's looking for me
To sprinkle his hormones
All over my body
I'll be sleeping and suddenly I'll wake up with bosoms
Big ones
Oh set me free
Here comes the Hair Fairy
With her lullaby
She'll promise me pimples
And hit me with hairpies
In the morning I'll wake up and suddenly I'm scuzzy
And schitzy
Oh pass me by
Change comes creeping
While you're sleeping
Shake yourself, you better
Turn on your night-lites and stay awake
© 1981 Sarah Kernochan